It has been more than a month since the beginning of the Russian army’s attack on Ukraine. A month full of misfortune, death and trauma. From Networkia we feel obliged to take a firm stand against the war and to help protect the Ukrainian population, especially the children who have to live through this horrendous situation. We are concerned and sensitised, which is why we wanted to do our bit. We have carried out a campaign to collect food, pharmaceutical products and useful materials.

After appealing to our team, collaborators and clients to contribute what they could, we have managed to deliver up to 9 boxes to the Ukrainian Consulate in Barcelona.

That is why we would like to thank all those who have collaborated with us in any way they could, even if this does not change the general situation that Ukraine is going through, we will help a large number of people who are having a really bad time and need urgent help.

It is very easy to help from our position, but it is also very easy not to help and do nothing in these situations. That is why Networkia is extremely proud to be surrounded by people who want to make this world a better place.