Meritxell Roca, CMO of Networkia Workspaces explains in a new article the role sustainability plays in today’s office market.

The focus on sustainability in flexible spaces has increased due to corporate preference for flexible office and coworking solutions. Large corporations are demanding higher environmental standards, which is driving workspace managers to focus on maximizing user comfort and obtaining energy certifications such as BREEAM, LEED and WELL.

Flexibility and climate change are key concerns for Millennial and Z generations, making flexible spaces attractive to them. These spaces offer diverse zones for collaboration, concentration and relaxation, which can be a competitive differentiator and increase employee loyalty. Promoting personal wellness, such as healthy eating and mindfulness activities, also contributes to productivity and a sense of belonging.

In short, sustainability in flexible spaces is essential for business and the environment, and its adoption has become a necessity, not just a fad or marketing strategy.


👉 If you want to read more, here is the link to the complete article: